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Promoting A Healthy Balance Of Academics & Extracurricular Activities

20 Oct, 2024

Jai Ho to Team Sahodaya

AFPS grabbed  t 1st Runner up trophy and made all alanites proud once again.It is the great effort of many which has helped in grabbing the same.First and foremost we thank the parents of all participants, without them this wouldnt have been even possible to think.

Then of course our children for rocking again with their brilliant talents and performances.

This year we have nominated 1 teacher each for each category to coordinate the event.

Category 1  – Lekshmi J R tr

Category 2 – Sulfiya tr

Category 3 –  Shaibi tr

Category 4  – Bindhu tr (Drawing)

Registration – Soumya tr

Without these teachers it wouldnt have been even possible to register the teams for Sahodaya on time.

Then we did have many teachers coordinating  events Veena tr, Sulfiya tr, Lini tr, Suja tr, Karthika tr , Lekshmi JR tr, Shaibi tr, Sinu tr ,Priyanka tr,Dance tr,Music tr,Sandhya tr.

These teachers took up the responsibility for events,taught the children amidst their tight schedule. Also we could see their interest ,enthusiasm, and talents rolling out of them.

Apart  from the above mentioned teachers we hd few teachers who accompanied them and stayed the whole day there.They are Seetha tr , Prathibha tr.

Big Thanks to them.

Thanks for the admi side support by arranging the bus.

Last but not the least , hats off to Karthika tr for taking the responsibility and pain of the whole event and creating interest in parents , students and teachers and gathering them all under the umbrella of Sahodaya , taking off time from work and home and making it Trophy happen once again.

Kudos to one and all who participated , and helped in participating and making Alanites grab 1st Runner up Trophy

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