Promoting A Healthy Balance Of Academics & Extracurricular Activities
We have spacious and sophisticated laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer science .The science lab provides students with opportunities to design investigation, manipulate equipments, record data, analyse results and discuss their findings.
The students are encouraged to use the laboratories to learn through experiments. The school has two Computer labs with advanced technologies; one for the primary level kids while the other for the students of secondary and senior secondary students.
We have an excellent School Library with books imported from England, collected from Indian Publishers including Malayalam and Hindi. The school expects the pupils to develop reading habits from the very beginning. All important magazines, weeklies and newspapers are available in the library.
The services of the school vans are available, which ply on important routes. Parents are encouraged to send their wards in school buses. However, as the seats are limited, it will be given to students on a first come first serve basis. Nevertheless, preference will be given to children of primary classes. Shifting of vans will not be generally accepted unless the reasons are genuine. However this will be considered only if seats are available in the van requested for. Suggestions/Recommendations regarding changes in stop, route and timings are welcome. These may be given to school in writing in February/March so that the van committee can take a decision. However, the decision taken in this regard will be final and binding to all concerned. Parents who come to collect their wards from school are requested to inform A.A. Officer in advance, so that the message can be informed to the respective van drivers and conductors. Parents are also requested to inform the AAO of any difficulties or complaints faced by the wards in school vans, if any. It is also to be noted that the children should be in their respective boarding point atleast 10 minutes in advance.